The Zack Files
The Zack Files is a science fiction television program that revolves around a young boy, played by Robert Clark, who is a magnet for paranormal activity and attends Horace White High School for Boys along with his three friends Cam, Gwen, and Spencer. Zack manages to get himself into trouble with his paranormal adventures and it is up to his friends to help him set things straight. The series was based on a series of books with the same name, written by Dan Greenburg. Season One is currently available on DVD.
Main characters
- Zack Greenburg (played by Robert Clark): A relatively normal kid he becomes a magnet for the paranormal for no apparent reason.
- Cameron Dunleavy (played by Jake Epstein): One of Zack's best friends, will do anything to make a quick buck
- Spencer Sharpe (played by Michael Seater): Keeper of the Zack files, loves paranormal activity, attempting to win the Nobel Prize by proving the paranormal exists
- Gwendolyn Killerby (played by Katie Boland): Doesn't believe in paranormal activity, dad is headmaster of their school (which allows her to be the only girl at an all-boy's school)
- Vernon Mantuelfel (played by Noah Giffin): Zack's enemy, very rich, in love with Gwen
- Daniel Greenburg (played by Jeff Clarke): Zack's father, divorced, kind of clueless
- The Woman in 302 (played by Collette Micks): Downstairs neighbour and sometimes girlfriend of Zack's Dad.
Episode guide
Season One
- Library of No Return: Zack is put on trial by the Queen of Hearts, The Mad Hatter, and the White Rabbit for his late return of the book Alice in Wonderland
- You Don't Say: To impress the boys' school's first coed student, Zack picks up a book on vaudeville ventriloquism—and ends up literally losing his voice.
- It's a Wonderful School: Thanks to an early 20th century voting machine, Zack is transported into an alternate reality where a bully named Vernon Manteuffel now runs Horace Hyde-White's School for Boys.
- Quiet Please, I'm Reading Your Mind: An electric shock from a headset gives Zack telepathic powers.
- Sockworld: Zack gets sucked into a vortex while trying to find a missing sock in the dryer.
- Total Rewind: Zack, Cam, and Spencer pick up extraterrestrial signals from an old VCR.
- Loose Lips: A Dog's Story: Zack gains the power to communicate with dogs.
- Crypt Seeker: A video game warrior woman named Tara Bond finds her way into the real world while Zack's friend, Spence, is sucked into Tara Bond's computer world.
- Misfortune Cookie: A fortune cookie makes Zack's dreams—and nightmares—come true.
- Run Zack Run: To win a charity race, Zack buys a pair of sneakers...only to discover that once he puts them on, he can't stop running.
- Deja Vudoo: Zack finds himself in a Groundhog Day-esque time warp where he's repeatedly reliving the day he went on his first date with Gwen.
- One Bad Seed: Discouraged that he's not tall enough to join the basketball team, Zack suddenly grows taller after swallowing an orange seed. However, along with the new height, Zack also grows leaves, branches, and roots.
- Fiber: Zack's wish to be older is suddenly granted when Zack eats a mysterious cereal that turns him into an old man.
- Photo Double: Zack gets stuck in his school ID when an old roll of film sucks his soul inside the card, leaving Zack's body in a zombie-like stupor.
- But I'm Too Young to Be My Dad: Zack is visited by a boy who claims he's Zack's son in the future, who was played by Robert Clark's brother Daniel.
- Anchovy of Doom: Zack shrinks his friends and puts them in a terrarium.
- Exit Stage Fright: A nasty case of stage fright causes Zack's pants to disappear.
- The Talented Mr. Tailsman: Zack enlists the aid of an ancient charm doll to protect his accident-prone father.
- Sparkin': Zack gains electrical powers that make people fall in love with each other.
- This Is Your Conscience Calling: Zack and his conscience have a falling out when Zack abuses his ATM privileges.
- The Switch: Zack and Vernon's butler, Charles, go through a revolving door together—and end up with each other's personalities.
- The Bottom Line: Zack finds out that he can accurately predict the future using his new glasses
- Gone: Zack becomes invisible after accidentally drinking invisible ink.
- It's a Jungle in There: Zack turns his neighbor's apartment into a jungle.
- A Place of My Own: Zack gets his own place to live through magic.
- Dinner with Grandpa: Zack's Grandpa Maurice—who died years ago—suddenly appears and is haunting Zack.
Season Two
- Blast from the Past: Zack manipulates time—literally—by turning his clock back.
- Searching for Zack Greenburg: Zack is given the worst grade—an F-minus—in Horace Hyde-White's school history.
- The Terrible Truth: A bracelet forces Zack to tell the truth about everything.
- Groovin': A backwards message on a record turns Zack into a beatnik with amazing DJ skills.
- What's Eating Zack Greenburg?: When Zack and his friends go on a camping trip, Zack's father decides to join them to give them tips. Zack, trying to get away from his father wanders into the woods with Spence and Cam—only to end up in another world.
- In Your Dreams: Spence discovers that Zack can enter people's dreams.
- Captain Sonic: Zack creates a comic book about his ears.
- Zack Zero: Zack gains the personalities of any historical artifact he touches.
- Zack Girl: Zack gets a little too in touch with his feminine side when he tries on girls' deodorant and becomes a girl.
- Dead Men Do Wear Plaid: The Horace Hyde-White's soccer team's losing streak angers a Scottish spirit who possesses Zack's father.
- The Frog Prince: Spence and Zack try to get Cam back to normal after Cam is turned into a frog.
- Things to Do at Horace Hyde When You Are Dead: A prankster ghost named Gilbert haunts Zack.
- Bionic Zack: Zack develops super strength after saving his father's life, but his newfound strength grows dangerously strong even after his adrenaline is down.
- Attack of the Zack-uum: Zack accidentally sucks his friends into a wormhole in his vacuum cleaner.
- Once and Future Zack: In this homage to "The Sword in the Stone," Zack pulls a sword out of a stone, and is haunted by Merlin the Wizard (who now appears as a teenager instead of an old man).
- Kleptomanizack: Zack becomes a human magnet after getting caught shoplifting.
- Zack Times Two: A strange mirror sends Zack into a parallel universe, where he meets his exact double.
- Pop!: Zack gains the power of teleportation after drinking a strange orange soda.
- Zack and White: During an experiment, Spence enters Zack's dream where everything is in black and white and everyone is boring.
- Little Big Zack: Overwhelmed by his upcoming bar mitzvah, Zack's fears cause him to regress back to a child.
- The Eyes of Gwen Killerby: To catch a robot saboteur, Zack uses Gwen's glasses to see the world through her eyes.
- Zack Greenburg's Day Off: An innocent bump into Mr. Munk (the headmaster of Horacy Hyde-White School for Boys) leads to yet another Freaky Friday-style body switch for Zack.
- Almost Famous Almost: Zack uses Spence's interactive gloves to become a guitar virtuoso.
- The Zack Show: Zack's life is broadcast as a reality show on an alien planet.
- Who Did You Say I Was?: In this clip show episode, Zack loses his memory after his Zack files are thrown out the window of the school and Zack's friends must remind Zack of who he is and his adventures.
- Zackeo and Juliet: Zack participates in a high school production of Romeo and Juliet.
See also
External links